There are many ways to be part of the constellation of websites that constitute WildNet Africa . . .

  • You could make a comment in our Guestbook for the world to see.
  • You could get down to having your say in one of our Discussions.
  • You could submit a site that you think everyone should know about (un-moderated list).
  • You could suggest a link to a site with good information on Africa or African wildlife which we may decide to include in our Portals (free links selected at our discretion).
  • If you are a wildlife organisation you could let us have your news.
  • If you wish to dispose of a wildlife investment you could contact us.
  • If you own a travel destination, you may wish to be found on The Map.
  • If you are a supplier of a product or a service you may want to have a link to your website.
  • If you own any wildlife or travel related business, you could fly some banners on WildNet Africa.
  • If you want really big profile, you may want to be one of the Big Five.
  • If you are very serious about what the internet can do for you, you may want to Sponsor a special section of WildNet Africa, or let us design a section together with you.

Alternatively, you may just want to make use of our comprehensive Web Presence Service.

Whatever your needs, please contact WildNet Africa. We would be pleased to help you make your statement on the World Wide Web.